Monday, May 14, 2007

Wow - my last post was in April?

Thats a surprise... it doesn't seem like that long since I've written here - but the computer doesn't lie. Unless you tell it to.

Hmm what has happened since then?
  • Finalized a kitchen design, at least until we found a new sink we like better... need to do some measurements
  • Booked kitchen installation contractor
  • Spent a work weekend at my parents cottage - the kids had so much fun raking and hauling leaves - really they did!!
  • Started "toilet learning" with our 2 year old - she's doing really really well - but we are doing a bit more laundry than normal
  • Attended the Mothers Day Party at my son's pre-school - the kids sang a great son and then served all the mommies snack and juice. I now have a lovely orange lucite-ish necklace that he made for me to wear.
  • Mothers Day weekend with the kids - lots of play in the park and picnics and dinner out with Grandma and Grandpa.
  • Sleep
  • And somewhere in there I did some work and began to plan a business trip to ....wait for it.... Cincinnati! Woo Hoo

I think I'm allowed to rest now right?