Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Time Marches On

The end of the school year has made things a little busy and a little over programmed around here. Between starting to get things organized for the move, Declan's birthday party and Ken's end of year commitments its been a little crazy. But things are falling into place and that's a good thing.

Last Friday a woman I have never met made my day, my month, my summer. The Childcare Director for the daycare at Declan's new school called (I've met other staff - just not her) and told me that Declan and Greer have spots in the daycare starting in September. They will both be in the same facility (different classes), and its a three block walk from home. Declan can be walked *across the hall* to Junior Kindergarten. Its all good.

We also bought a dishwasher and found a sale on the appliances that we want. More good.

Ken is finishing up his marking - should be done in the next couple of days. More good.

And Declan had his first birthday party. He and a friend from nursery school have birthdays right next to each other so the mom's decided to have a joint party and invite the whole class. We held it at an indoor playground and served pizza and nut free cake. Everyone had a great time (from what we can tell) and Declan came home with more loot than we stuffed into the loot bags.

Now we just need to finish the school year, take possession of the house and do a complete kitchen reno! Not much.....