Sunday, April 20, 2008

What a wonderful world....

What a great way to spend a Saturday...  start by getting some good deals at my favorite mom's consignment sale ever... The Great Kids Stuff Sale.  Then spend the rest of the morning playing with the kids on the street....then walk to the local bike shop, find a bright pink bike for the littlest Kelly and a new helmet for the bigger one... back and lunch at McD's with across the street friends... then off to a birthday party for a friend since 1978.  There are a group of us that went to school together from Grade 7 to 13 and we still see each other and hang out a lot.  All were there with husbands and kids in tow and it was incredible to see them all playing together and having fun...  We were so tired at the end of the day that we crashed as soon as the kids were asleep....  *yawn*

off on another busy day today....

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