Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun on the Street

When we bought our house we really had no idea about the family makeup on our street.  We knew there were lots of kids in the area as we'd seen them in the local park while we were looking in the area.  But were they on our street?  Close by? No idea.

We lucked out.  

In our little block there are 8 kids who like to play outside every time they can...  and a few more chomping at the bit, they just need to get a little but bigger.  I am so glad that my kids can experience street hockey, hide and go seek, bike rides up and down the block and all those great things that I loved growing up.  I had thought it no longer existed in the big city.  But we found a great street with some great neighbours.  The sad part is that four of the kids are moving in  a couple of weeks.  But I think the rest will rally and keep the street spirit alive.  

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