Thursday, September 4, 2008

Farewell to the (rainy) summer....

Wow - its been *forever* since I wrote anything.... wild. But the summer has flown by and I can't believe that Buckaroo is back at school and the littlest munchkin is in Sr Preschool. Wow.

Things are coming along on the house and Ken's job search continues. He's put his portfolio up on line just recently and is now concentrating more on the Graphic Design side. He's had some bites on the design side so now we need to turn one into a job :) Wish us luck.

We accomplished a few things on the house this summer, got ourselves a finished mudroom and some little improvements in the backyard and elsewhere. It never seems like enough gets done... story of my life.

We've been having fun going to the local farmers market for dinner each Thursday evening this summer and are planning to keep going as long as the weather holds. The market will run until into October - but who knows how long it will still feel like picnic weather. With a sweater almost anything is possible.

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