Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Walkers

Why is it that seeing someone do something as normal as walking can bring me to tears? Give me a lump in my throat? Over this past weekend three dear friends (that I know of - and possibly more) walked in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. Its 60km through the streets of Toronto, raising money to fight this and many other cancers. Its an incredible sight...4,757 women and men walking in long lines throughout the city. Together these people raised over $13 million dollars for cancer research. That's almost $3000 each.

As all these people trudged through the rain over the weekend I was reminded of my trek last year. I'm not sure I realized at the time what an amazing experience it was... I was too caught up in blisters and sore feet.

Yay to all of you who were out there. You inspire me. You inspire others.

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