Friday, May 23, 2008

Dinosaurs and Soccer Balls

Its been a busy busy week around here.  The kids were super tired after the long weekend, as evidenced by Dec's refusal to get out of bed the other.  Those who know him know that he is up and at it as soon as the sun rises every day.  And usually darned happy about it.  That has not been the case this week.  In fact everyone has been feeling a little sluggish and some days it seems like I have three teenagers in residence instead of two pre-schoolers and a husband as I try and get everyone up and out the door in the morning.

Wednesday Declan's kindergarten class had a trip to the museum and I took a day and volunteered.  The morning and afternoon class went together so it was just less than 50 4 and 5 year olds on the TTC and off to the ROM.  Thankfully there were enough parents helping that it was one parent for two kids and we walked up to the subway, rode over the Bloor viaduct (a VERY exciting moment for the munchkins) and even changed lines so we could exit in the Museum station with all its new totem poles and Egyptian hieroglyphics.  The tour leader was an ex-school teacher and wonderful with the kids.  They paid attention almost until right at the end (they were getting pretty hungry for lunch by then) and had some free time to explore the North American exhibit and the interactive areas before we had our bag lunches and left.  By the time we returned to the school they were exhausted.   To compound the issue we headed off to the local police station's Community Picnic that evening.  So by the time the kids hit bed they were DONE.

The next day all Declan could talk about was the dinosaur exhibit and what they saw and did while at the museum.  I guess that means it was a success.

Then yesterday was the first of the 'double duty' days when the kids having swimming followed closely by Declan's soccer practice/game.   He was a trooper and gobbled some dinner in between the two events and had a great time at soccer. There are a couple of kids from his kindergarten class on his team and he made fast friends with several others.  His smile was as wide as possible the entire time and he cried when we had to go home at the end of the evening. Here's hoping that he continues to love it as much as the summer rolls along.  We'll be playing soccer until Labour Day :)   

Monday, May 19, 2008

Long Weekends!!

Well its always nice to have a long weekend and even better when we can schedule it so that we aren't running all over the place seeing multiple sets of grandparents. Due to scheudling we are in Muskoka this weekend and will be making a different trip to Peterborough when MC is there too.

Unfortunately the weather hasn't been too cooperative and there's been intermittent rain and cloud all weekend. Kudos to the kids who have been able to find fun things to do without driving their grandparents completely over the edge.

Saturday evening we went to the Rush cottage to watch fireworks. The Whites had a big stash and Ted had purchased a bunch so we didn't need to bring any along. Dec had a lot of fun playing and watching the festivities with Owen and they have become fast friends. The kids applauded after each firework ended and although completely exhausted they were disappointed it was all over.

Monday I've had to do a little bit of work but the kids are having a late breakfast and being really good.

Back to the grind tomorrow - lots of work to do - but thats life....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Are they trying to drive me nuts?

My kids are normally quite good in the mornings.  They get up and get dressed, usually without too much hassle - although munchkin girl is getting a little picky about what she wears - and eat their breakfast before heading out the door.  We went through a phase where they seemed intent on not listening to a thing I said but that appeared to have passed.  Now we've moved into the "how can I bug my sibling" phase.  This morning was exceptional.  Pinching, poking, stealing each others toast...  you get the idea.

By the time I got them on their bikes and heading to school I was ready for a nap.

After dropping both off (quite painless this morning) I headed home, swinging up to the Danforth to get a coffee on the way.  As I walked up my front steps I had a sad realization.  In my happy 'drop the kids off at daycare' state I'd managed to leave my keys in Greer's cubby.  I was locked out again.  (for those not up to speed - I did it last week too)  Rather than climb through the slightly ajar and unlocked window in the living room I decided it made more sense to walk back to school and delay the start of my workday.  

It was a beautiful morning for a walk - but I wish I wasn't doing it to correct an earlier mistake...  

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun on the Street

When we bought our house we really had no idea about the family makeup on our street.  We knew there were lots of kids in the area as we'd seen them in the local park while we were looking in the area.  But were they on our street?  Close by? No idea.

We lucked out.  

In our little block there are 8 kids who like to play outside every time they can...  and a few more chomping at the bit, they just need to get a little but bigger.  I am so glad that my kids can experience street hockey, hide and go seek, bike rides up and down the block and all those great things that I loved growing up.  I had thought it no longer existed in the big city.  But we found a great street with some great neighbours.  The sad part is that four of the kids are moving in  a couple of weeks.  But I think the rest will rally and keep the street spirit alive.