Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Are they trying to drive me nuts?

My kids are normally quite good in the mornings.  They get up and get dressed, usually without too much hassle - although munchkin girl is getting a little picky about what she wears - and eat their breakfast before heading out the door.  We went through a phase where they seemed intent on not listening to a thing I said but that appeared to have passed.  Now we've moved into the "how can I bug my sibling" phase.  This morning was exceptional.  Pinching, poking, stealing each others toast...  you get the idea.

By the time I got them on their bikes and heading to school I was ready for a nap.

After dropping both off (quite painless this morning) I headed home, swinging up to the Danforth to get a coffee on the way.  As I walked up my front steps I had a sad realization.  In my happy 'drop the kids off at daycare' state I'd managed to leave my keys in Greer's cubby.  I was locked out again.  (for those not up to speed - I did it last week too)  Rather than climb through the slightly ajar and unlocked window in the living room I decided it made more sense to walk back to school and delay the start of my workday.  

It was a beautiful morning for a walk - but I wish I wasn't doing it to correct an earlier mistake...  

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