Monday, May 19, 2008

Long Weekends!!

Well its always nice to have a long weekend and even better when we can schedule it so that we aren't running all over the place seeing multiple sets of grandparents. Due to scheudling we are in Muskoka this weekend and will be making a different trip to Peterborough when MC is there too.

Unfortunately the weather hasn't been too cooperative and there's been intermittent rain and cloud all weekend. Kudos to the kids who have been able to find fun things to do without driving their grandparents completely over the edge.

Saturday evening we went to the Rush cottage to watch fireworks. The Whites had a big stash and Ted had purchased a bunch so we didn't need to bring any along. Dec had a lot of fun playing and watching the festivities with Owen and they have become fast friends. The kids applauded after each firework ended and although completely exhausted they were disappointed it was all over.

Monday I've had to do a little bit of work but the kids are having a late breakfast and being really good.

Back to the grind tomorrow - lots of work to do - but thats life....

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