Thursday, April 26, 2007

Benign scissors

My children are demanding benign scissors. As they were leaving the little one's daycare on Tuesday they found a craft basket sitting on a table in the common play area. Inside were some pieces of construction paper, some glue sticks and the now beloved, all plastic, can't cut a human, scissors. So being the ever co-operative mom I headed out yesterday to buy some for my small fry. I'd left my lunch hour free for this task. Apparently I should have left the whole day free. Who knew these were items that are hard to find?? I figured the lovely people at Crayola would be able to help me out, so I headed to the local Zellers which has a significant Crayola section... nope, nada, nyet. Two more stops at places that sell paper and crayons and the like and I was no more successful. Who the heck makes these things?? Each day the kids ask for the scissors, this morning darling daughter was asking for them before breakfast. So I'm off again this afternoon. I feel a bit like I'm looking for the holy grail of crafting. With all this focus on scrapbooking these days you'd think that someone would sell these things. If you have a suggestion - please feel free to send it along. I'm almost ready to dip metal scissors on resin to de-sharp them.

On other topics; trying to find someone who can clean my carpet which is currently in basement storage and will be adorning our new living room. I'm willing to drive it to the location so now its just about finding the best price... oh and actually going to the basement to measure it so I get an estimate that is at least fairly accurate. And the purge has begun... last night hubby and I went through the kids toy basket area in the living room and liberated the Happy Meal toys, the dollar store potty training incentive toys and other various broken, missing pieces and less than complete toys. It was cathartic. On to the next challenge - the basement storage room. Or maybe just my closet, its smaller.

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