Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday - a good day to start

Wednesday - I'm sure its not the most common day to start a new "routine". But its the day I'm picking. It doesn't have that pressure of Monday, or the first day of the month, or - god forbid- New Years Day. Its the day I woke up and decided that things had to change. I needed to feel less rushed, I needed to feel more in control and I needed to make sure that I found time for me. So here I am. I've never been much for diaries, or journals - but I *want* to. Maybe this time it'll work.


Today I commit to getting in a walk as I prepare for the Weekend to End Breast Cancer. I commit to healthy eating. And I commit to water.

Last night as I lay in bed after dealing with buckaroo's midnight potty wakings I wondered why I keep thinking I am capable of more? Why I felt that somewhere along the way I let "this'll do" enter my vocabulary. It wasn't there before. And it doesn't belong now. So - I commit to being fully committed to what I do today.

Let's hope we're not 'committing' me by the end of all this.

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