Monday, April 23, 2007

What a weekend!

Well - sunny and warm all weekend long - it doesn't get much better than that. The kids enjoyed every minute of it, playing outside and meeting new friends. We decided to go and play at the park near our new house on Saturday morning. Declan and I had already been up and around the neighbourhood for a jog stroller power walk. Unfortunately someone was late to open up Mt Pleasant so we just meandered through Leaside. Once everyone was up and ready to go we headed over to East Lynn Park and the kids played on the equipment and Declan organized a full on construction party in the sandbox. We all left reluctantly for lunch and a few errands before heading home for naps and quiet time.

Sunday Dec woke up and announced that he wanted to go to the fun park near our new house. So after a failed attempt to go to church (note to self - one hour is not long enough to get everyone ready and all the way to a church in the new neighbourhood), we did the grocery shopping in a very empty WalMart and then (after dropping the groceries back at home and having an early lunch) headed back to the park. Declan made more new friends and Mommy and Daddy got to chat to some new neighbours and then Declan and his new friends found an old tire hidden in a corner of the park and proceeded to push it up a small hill and then let it roll down, spewing the pine cones they'd filled it with, over and over again. They were so proud of their new game and they had no help from the adults at all. What was most impressive is they way the four kids worked together each time with no fighting, no arguments and no trouble. It was a thing of beauty.

As the kids started to show visible signs of exhaustion we headed home for naps and dinner. Unfortunately no one napped and Ken had them all make rice krispie squares instead. I spent some quality time with the IKEA kitchen planner (amazing to note no two walls of our kitchen are the same length - not that I expected square - but I thought two might match) and have what I think is the new and almost final version of the kitchen. Now we meet with the PEG guys at IKEA and finalise the plan.... its a process that's for sure....

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