Thursday, April 19, 2007

No more incandescent lightbulbs

So day two. Well lets see, I didn't eat with reckless abandon, I did have lots of water, and I went for a walk with the kids after dinner. It wasn't exactly a fitness actvity - but it wasn't a sloth activity either. So - baby steps. Baby steps.

Got the kids off to school this morning with minimal effort - they only took their shoes and socks off after I had already assisted with putting them on, once, each. That's progress. I did stop for a Vente Misto on my way home. I needed to get more beans so I bought a coffee. Small indulgence.

Upon my return I actually had a few moments to glance at the paper before sitting down to work. It seems that my local municipality has voted to outlaw 'traditional' light bulbs by 2012. I am impressed. Its actually something that I agree with from city hall. We've already started replacing our incandescents with compact flourescents. Its important to make sure you don't buy that version called "cool white". Nasty. Makes my rooms look more than a little bit institutional. A throwback to bad dorm lighting. No one needs to go back to that.

So today's goals.... salad for lunch, more walking, more water, a visit to a potential daycare and oh - getting my job done :) Have a good one.

And a big shout out to my sister - HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEANNE

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