Monday, April 30, 2007

We're going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo

Yesterday we took advantage of the great weather and headed out to the Zoo first thing in the morning. The kids were all excited and Auntie MC came along for the trip. We packed up the red wagon and after renewing our membership were off. We started with the Tigers, headed over to the Polar Bears, the Seals and on and on... Declan pulled the wagon with Greer in it and not in it, and in it and not in it (rinse and repeat) most of the day. The kids ran (and walked) their little butts off and crashed immediately after loading ourselves into the car 5 hours later. It was a good walk for all of us. There was the sleep of the dead in our house last night.

I struggle sometimes with the idea of a Zoo. Should these animals really be in enclosures for us to look at? But then I read about conservation and re population efforts that the zoos are involved in and I feel a bit better about it. So this time, instead of just looking at the animals I tried to talk about them with Declan - how some of them were rare and how the zoos were helping to keep them and their families alive. I'm not sure how successful I was - but I'll keep trying.

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